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Étude Pour ‘La Femme en Bleu
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Contraste de formes
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Le grand déjeuner
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Le corsage rouge
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $299.00La Partie de Campagne
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Nature Morte
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Nature morte aux éléments mécaniques
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00La Tasse de thé
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00La Roue Bleue, État définitif
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $299.00Deux femmes
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $299.00Élément Mécanique
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00Le Campeur, 1Er État
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Le damier Jaune
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00Composition, in the factory
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Femme portant une statuette
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Femme sur fond rouge, femme assise
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Le drapeau
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Les maisons dans les arbres
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Composition 1920
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Le Pont du Remorqueur
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Le Compotier (Nature morte)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $299.00Nature morte
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Nature morte (Les camées)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Nature morte à la clé
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Trois Femmes à La Table Rouge
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $299.00La femme et l’enfant (Mother and Child)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Les deux Pêcheurs
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Three Women (Le Grand Déjeuner)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00The City
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00The City (La Ville)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Paysage animé, 1er état
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $289.00Les Grand Plongeurs Noirs (The Big Black Divers)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00La Femme en Bleu (Woman in Blue)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $289.00The Three Musicians
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00El mecánico
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Les Constructeurs
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Builders with Rope
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Les Fumées Sur Les Toits
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Les Fumeurs (The Smokers)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Still Life with a Beer Mug
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $299.00Still Life
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Le moteur
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Les Hommes dans La Ville
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00Les Usines
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Les femmes à la toilette
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00La Femme au Miroir
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Man with a Cane (First State)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Discs
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00The stairway 1913
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00Exit the Ballets Russes
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00La femme en rouge et vert
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Contrast of Forms
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Contrast of Forms
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Contraste de Formes
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Contrast of Forms 1913
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00The Houses in the trees
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Femme aux perroquets
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $289.00Nature Morte aux Cylindres Colorés
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00La Femme au Fauteuil
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Du Village à La Forêt
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Contrast of Forms
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00The Staircase (Second State)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Soldiers playing cards
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $309.00Nature morte
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Nude Model in the Studio
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Soldier with a pipe
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Le Maçon ou Nature morte
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Composition
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Personnage
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Contraste de formes
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Etude pour Le Modèle nu dans l’atelier
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Dessin Pour “Contrastes de Formes No. 2”
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Deux femmes couchées
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Contraste de Formes
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Study for “Contrast of Forms”
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Deux figures
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00Woman Holding a Vase
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $289.00Woman with a Book
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Three sisters
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Les Trois Musiciens
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $229.00Femme au vase
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Les deux soeurs
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $249.00Les deux soeurs
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Les Trois Soeurs
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Marie the Acrobat
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00La Femme au Perroquet
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00La Jeune Fille à L’échelle
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00Étude Pour “La Partie de Campagne”
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Marie l’acrobate
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Portrait de Madame D
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00La Joie de Vivre
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Big Julie
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Beauty is everywhere
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00Composition aux deux perroquets
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Les danseuses aux clés, étude
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $259.00Les Perroquets (Les acrobates)
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $279.00The three characters
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $239.00Danseuses au Tronc d’arbre
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00La Lecture
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $269.00La Femme aux Clés
By Fernand LegerSizes starting at $289.00