They’re all here – from Rembrandt to Da Vinci to Pissaro to Van Gogh. Mere words don’t do their paintings justice, so browse through our gallery and see all of the great paintings by all of the great masters.
What’s an art movement? Impressionism. Modernism. Art Deco. Cubism. These are all art movements because they define the art created during a specific period of time by a particular group of artists. The artists during these movements all painted with a similar style, may have hung out together and certainly influenced the art world. KOSH mArt has paintings from most art movements and you can browse through them right here.
What do you want a painting of? Chances are you’ll find it at KOSH mArt. Browse through our gallery using the search terms below to find whatever you’re looking for. Please note however, that not all the paintings in our database are sorted out by subjects, so if you can’t find the painting you are looking for, please use our other browsing options.
We've launched our Times Change Collection! We've taken masterpieces and given them a contemporary story. Amazing collectables to adorn your walls!