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Edgar Degas
Edgar Degas was born in Paris, France, the eldest of five children of Celestine Musson De Gas and Augustin De Gas, a banker. The family was moderately wealthy. At age eleven, Degas (as a young man he abandoned the more pretentious spelling of the family name) began his schooling with enrollment in the Lycee Louis-le-Grand, graduating in 1853 with a baccalaureat in literature.
Degas began to paint seriously early in his life. By eighteen he had turned a room in his home into an artist’s studio, and had begun making copies in the Louvre, but his father expected him to go to law school. Degas duly registered at the Faculty of Law of the University of Paris in November 1853, but made little effort at his studies there. In 1855, Degas metJean Auguste Dominique Ingres, whom he revered, and was advised by him to “draw lines, young man, many lines.” In April of that same year, Degas received admission to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, where he studied drawing with Louis Lamothe, under whose guidance he flourished, following the style of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. In July 1856, Degas traveled to Italy, where he would remain for the next three years. There he drew and painted copies after Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, and other artists of theRenaissance, often selecting from an altarpiece an individual head which he treated as a portrait. It was during this period that Degas studied and became accomplished in the techniques of high, academic, and classical art.
After returning from Italy in 1859, Degas continued his education by copying paintings at the Louvre, he was to remain an enthusiastic copyist well into middle age. In the early 1860s, while visiting his childhood friend Paul Valpinçon in Normandy, he made his first studies of horses. He exhibited at the Salon for the first time in 1865, when the jury accepted his paintingScene of War in the Middle Ages, which attracted little attention. Although he exhibited annually in the Salon during the next five years, he submitted no more history paintings, and hisSteeplechase-The Fallen Jockey (Salon of 1866) signaled his growing commitment to contemporary subject matter. The change in his art was influenced primarily by the example of edouardManet, whom Degas had met in 1864 while copying in the Louvre.
At the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, Degas enlisted in the National Guard, where his defense of Paris left him little time for painting. During rifle training his eyesight was found to be defective, and for the rest of his life his eye problems were a constant worry to him.
After the war, in 1872, Degas began an extended stay in New Orleans, Louisiana, where his brother Rene and a number of other relatives lived. Staying in a house on Esplanade Avenue, Degas produced a number of works, many depicting family members. One of Degas’ New Orleans works, depicting a scene at The Cotton Exchange at New Orleans, garnered favorable attention back in France, and was his only work purchased by a museum (that of Pau) during his lifetime.
Degas returned to Paris in 1873. The following year his father died, and in the subsequent settling of the estate it was discovered that Degas’ brother Rene had amassed enormous business debts. To preserve the family name, Degas was forced to sell his house and a collection of art he had inherited. He now found himself suddenly dependent on sales of his artwork for income. By now thoroughly disenchanted with the Salon, Degas joined forces with a group of young artists who were intent upon organizing an independent exhibiting society. The first of their exhibitions, which were quickly dubbed Impressionist Exhibitions, was in 1874. The Impressionists subsequently held seven additional shows, the last in 1886. Degas took a leading role in organizing the exhibitions, and showed his work in all but one of them, despite his persistent conflicts with others in the group. He had little in common with Monet and the other landscape painters, whom he mocked for painting outdoors. Conservative in his social attitudes, he abhorred the scandal created by the exhibitions, as well as the publicity and advertising that his colleagues sought. He bitterly rejected the label Impressionist that the press had created and popularized, and his insistence on including such comparatively traditional artists as Jean-Louis Forain and Jean-Francois Raffaelli in their exhibitions created rancor within the group, contributing to their eventual disbanding in 1886.
As his financial situation improved through sales of his own work, he was able to indulge his passion for collecting works by artists he admired—old masters such as El Greco and such contemporaries as Pissarro, Cezanne, Gauguin, and Van Gogh. Three artists he idolized, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Dalacroix, and Daumier, were especially well represented in his collection.
In the late 1880s, Degas also developed a passion for photography. He photographed many of his friends, often by lamplight, as in his double portrait of Renoir and Mallarme. Other photographs, depicting and nudes, were used for reference in some of Degas’ drawings and paintings.
As the years passed, Degas became isolated, due in part to his belief that a painter could have no personal life. The Dreyfus Affair controversy brought his antisemitic leanings to the fore and he broke with all his Jewish friends. In later life, Degas regretted the loss of those friends.
While he is known to have been working in pastel as late as the end of 1907, and is believed to have continued making sculpture as late as 1910, he apparently ceased working in 1912, when the impending demolition of his longtime residence on the rue Victor Masse forced a wrenching move to quarters on the boulevard de Clichy. He never married and spent the last years of his life, nearly blind, restlessly wandering the streets of Paris before dying in 1917. Degas’ last years were sad and lonely, especially as he outlived many of his closest friends.
Degas is often identified as an Impressionist, an understandable but insufficient description. Impressionism originated in the 1860s and 1870s and grew, in part, from the realism of such painters as Courbet and Corot. The Impressionists painted the realities of the world around them using bright, “dazzling” colors, concentrating primarily on the effects of light, and hoping to infuse their scenes with immediacy.
Technically, Degas differs from the Impressionists in that, as art historian Frederick Hartt says, he “never adopted the Impressionist color fleck”, and he continually belittled their practice of painting en plein air. “He was often as anti-Impressionist as the critics who reviewed the shows”, according to art historian Carol Armstrong, as Degas himself explained, “no art was ever less spontaneous than mine. What I do is the result of reflection and of the study of the great masters, of inspiration, spontaneity, temperament, I know nothing.” Nonetheless, he is described more accurately as an Impressionist than as a member of any other movement. His scenes of Parisian life, his off-center compositions, his experiments with color and form, and his friendship with several key Impressionist artists, most notably Mary Cassatt and Edouard Manet, all relate him intimately to the Impressionist movement.
Degas has his own distinct style, one reflecting his deep respect for the old masters and his great admiration for Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Eugene Dalacroix. He was also a collector of Japanese prints, whose compositional principles influenced his work, as did the vigorous realism of popular illustrators such as Daumier and Gavarni. Although famous for horses and ancers, Degas began with conventional historical paintings such as The Young Spartans, although his treatment of such subjects became progressively less idealized. During his early career, Degas also painted portraits of individuals and groups, an example of the latter is The Bellelli Family of (c.1858–60), a brilliantly composed and psychologically poignant portrayal of his aunt, her husband, and their children. In this painting, as in The Young Spartans and many later works, Degas was drawn to the tensions present between men and women. In his early paintings, Degas already evidenced the mature style that he would later develop more fully by cropping subjects awkwardly and by choosing unusual viewpoints.
By the late 1860s, Degas had shifted from his initial forays into history painting to an original observation of contemporary life. Racecourse scenes provided an opportunity to depict horses and their riders in a modern context. He began to paint women at work, milliners and laundresses. Mlle. Fiocre in the Ballet La Source, exhibited in the Salon of 1868, was his first major work to introduce a subject with which he would become especially identified, dancers.
In many subsequent paintings dancers were shown backstage or in rehearsal, emphasizing their status as professionals doing a job. Degas began to paint cafe life as well. He urged other artists to paint “real life” instead of traditional mythological or historical paintings, and the few literary scenes he painted were modern and of highly ambiguous content. For example, Interior (which has also been called The Rape) has presented a conundrum to art historians in search of a literary source, internal evidence suggests that it may be based on a scene from Therèse Raquin.
As his subject matter changed, so, too, did Degas’ technique. The dark palette that bore the influence of Dutch painting gave way to the use of vivid colors and bold brushstrokes. Paintings such as Place de la Concorde read as “snapshots,” freezing moments of time to portray them accurately, imparting a sense of movement. The changes to his palette, brushwork, and sense of composition all evidence the influence that both the Impressionist movement and modern photography, with its spontaneous images and off-kilter angles, had on his work.
Blurring the distinction between portraiture and genre pieces, he painted his bassoonist friend, Desire Dihau, in The Orchestra of the Opera (1868-69) as one of fourteen musicians in an orchestra pit, viewed as though by a member of the audience. Above the musicians can be seen only the legs and tutus of the dancers onstage, their figures cropped by the edge of the painting. Art historian Charles Stuckey has pointed out that the viewpoint is that of a distracted spectator at a ballet, and that “it is Degas’ fascination with the depiction of movement, including the movement of a spectator’s eyes as during a random glance, that is properly speaking ‘Impressionist’.”
Degas’ mature style is distinguished by conspicuously unfinished passages, even in otherwise tightly rendered paintings. He frequently blamed his eye troubles for his inability to finish, an explanation that met with some skepticism from colleagues and collectors who reasoned, as Stuckey explains, that “his pictures could hardly have been executed by anyone with inadequate vision.” The artist provided another clue when he described his predilection “to begin a hundred things and not finish one of them,” and was in any case notoriously reluctant to consider a painting complete.
His interest in portraiture led him to study carefully the ways in which a person’s social stature or form of employment may be revealed by their physiognomy, posture, dress, and other attributes. In his 1879 Portraits, At the Stock Exchange, he portrayed a group of Jewish businessmen with a hint of antisemitism, while in his paintings of dancers and laundresses, he reveals their occupations not only by their dress and activities but also by their body type. His ballerinas exhibit an athletic physicality, while his laundresses are heavy and solid.
By the later 1870s Degas had mastered not only the traditional medium of oil on canvas, but pastel as well. The dry medium, which he applied in complex layers and textures, enabled him more easily to reconcile his facility for line with a growing interest in expressive color.
In the mid-1870s he also returned to the medium of etching, which he had neglected for ten years, and began experimenting with less traditional printmaking media-lithographs and experimental monotypes. He was especially fascinated by the effects produced by monotype, and frequently reworked the printed images with pastel.
These changes in media engendered the paintings that Degas would produce in later life. Degas began to draw and paint women drying themselves with towels, combing their hair, bathing. The strokes that model the form are scribbled more freely than before, backgrounds are simplified.
The meticulous naturalism of his youth gave way to an increasing abstraction of form. Except for his characteristically brilliant draftsmanship and obsession with the figure, the pictures created in this late period of his life bear little superficial resemblance to his early paintings. Ironically, it is these paintings, created late in his life, and after the heyday of the Impressionist movement, that most obviously use the coloristic techniques of Impressionism.
For all the stylistic evolution, certain features of Degas’s work remained the same throughout his life. He always painted indoors, preferring to work in his studio, either from memory or using models. The figure remained his primary subject, his few landscapes were produced from memory or imagination. It was not unusual for him to repeat a subject many times, varying the composition or treatment. He was a deliberative artist whose works, as Andrew Forge has written, “were prepared, calculated, practiced, developed in stages. They were made up of parts. The adjustment of each part to the whole, their linear arrangement, was the occasion for infinite reflection and experiment.”
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Danseuse Au Repos 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Trois Danseuses
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Ballet, 1876
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00The Star
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $329.00The Ballet Class 1874
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00The Ballet Class
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $349.00The Dancing Class 1872
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $399.00Ballet Studio at the Opera in Rue Le Peletier 1872
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $439.00The Rehearsal 1874
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $429.00The Rehearsal Onstage 1874
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $399.00The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage 1874
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $399.00La Répétition Au Foyer De La Danse
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $399.00The Rehearsal 1873
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $389.00The Dance Class 1873
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $419.00Ballet Rehearsal on Stage 1874
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $399.00The Ballet Class
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Dancers, Pink and Green 1890
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00Dancers in Pink 1867
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Four Dancers 1899
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Dancers Practicing at the Bar 1877
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Danseuses Sur La Scène 1889
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Dancers Backstage
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $329.00Group of Dancers
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $269.00Ballet Dancers in the Wings 1900
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00Swaying Dancer
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $409.00Blue Dancer and Double Basses 1891
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Blue Dancers
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Dance Examination 1880
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Dancer Posing for a Photographer 1875
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Dancer with a Bouquet Curtseying on Stage 1878
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Dancer with a Bouquet
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Dancer with Bouquets
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $349.00Pas Battu 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Dancers Resting
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Danseuses En Blanc 1878
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Entrance of the Masked Dancers 879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Four Ballet Dancers on Stage
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $329.00Four Dancers 1903
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Danseuses à La Barre
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Scène De Ballet 1885
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00The Star 1880
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Three Dancers (Blue Tutus, Red Bodices) 1903
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Three Dancers in Yellow Skirts
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Dancers in Green and Yellow 1903
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $329.00The Ballet
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Two Dancers on a Stage
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Two Dancers
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $329.00The Dance Lesson 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Ballet Scene 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $439.00Two Dancers 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $439.00Ballet at the Paris Opéra 1877
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $449.00Dancers in the Classroom 1880
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $589.00Dancers in the Rehearsal Room with a Double Bass
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $489.00The Dance Lesson 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $479.00The Ballet Rehearsal 1891
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $479.00Dancers in the Foyer 1889
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $479.00Frieze of Dancers 1890
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $569.00Trois Danseuses
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Yellow Dancers
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Dancers 1896
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Dancers 1897
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Dancers 1899
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00Dancers at the Old Opera House 1877
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Danseuse Au Tambourin 1897
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00Dancer Tying up her Slipper 1887
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Danseuses Au Foyer 1901
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Deux Danseuses 1891
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $349.00Deux Danseuses Jaunes Et Roses 1898
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $269.00The Ballet 1880
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $349.00Two Dancers Entering the Stage
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Waiting 1882
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00A Study of a Dancer 1880
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $359.00Ballerine
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00Ballet Dancer in the Wings
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Ballet Dancers 1877
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Dancer in her Dressing Room
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $489.00Dancer Adjusting her Epaulettes
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00Dancer in Green 1878
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $349.00Dancers at the Barre 1900
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $319.00Dancers in Yellow Skirts (Two Dancers in Yellow) 1896
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Orchestra Musicians
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $389.00The Orchestra at the Opera 1870
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $379.00The Ballet from “Robert Le Diable” 1876
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00The Ballet from Robert Le Diable 1871
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $379.00Dancers
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Deux Danseuses Au Foyer 1898
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Danseuse à La Barre 1885
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Before the Performance 1896
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $339.00Ballet Scene 1907
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $349.00Deux Danseuses Assises 1896
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $359.00A Group of Dancers 1890
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $329.00Three Dancers in Red Costume 1896
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $299.00Two Dancers 1898
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $269.00Two Dancers 1898
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Two Dancers in the Studio 1901
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $309.00Café Singer 1879
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00At the Café-Concert- the Dog’s Song
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $279.00The Singer with the Glove, 1878
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00The Singer in Green 1884
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00Mademoiselle Bécat at the Café Des Ambassadeurs 1885
By Edgar DegasSizes starting at $289.00